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Live Generously & invest with purpose


As a philanthropic strategist, I know one thing to be certain: people have an innate desire to give. Yet there continues to be a key component missing in the giving landscape – a bridge between givers and impact.

This gap became crystal clear during a trip to India in 2012. As I shared stories of need and opportunity with friends back home, I discovered an overwhelming appetite for meaningful giving. But two barriers kept surfacing: people felt overwhelmed by the number of causes competing for attention, and they worried their contributions wouldn't create change.

The question was simple: How do we connect generosity with opportunity? I established Give4 in 2015 to help connect givers and receivers. 

The story behind Give4



Your Partner in

Effective giving requires strategy, insight, and trusted partnerships. Through our vetting process and decades of experience in philanthropic strategy, we help organizations and brands turn their giving into measurable impact. The question that drives us is simple: "What do you give for?

Our Approach

Give4 bridges the gap between generous hearts and meaningful impact through strategic philanthropic consulting. We maintain a carefully vetted network of charitable partners and work closely with organizations and brands to develop giving strategies that align with their values.

Our Mission

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Measurable Impact & Engagement. Experience the satisfaction of seeing exactly how your generosity makes a difference, while engaging your team in memorable philanthropic initiatives that strengthen company culture.

Strategic Giving Roadmap. We'll develop a customized philanthropy roadmap that perfectly aligns with your mission while maximizing every dollar's impact. Our goal is to ensure you're giving both generously and intelligently.

Purpose-Aligned Charity Selection. Partner with carefully vetted organizations that reflect your company's values and enhance your brand's commitment to social good. We curate connections with causes that matter to you.

Align your giving  with your

We offer Curated solutions to help you



They Said it


My experience with Give4 was extremely positive. From the initial contact, the vision and execution of finding a partner in giving was smooth and easy. I am certain I would not have been able to accomplish a partnership like Give4 proposed on my own. Give4 was able to maximize my donation amount to make the most impact, something I would not have had the time or knowledge to know how to do. I feel like ALL the hard work has been done for me, and I can do what my heart desires: give joyfully and freely.

Miranda Frye
Miranda Frye Jewelry

At Telos Investment Fund, we believe in the power of generosity and stewardship as integral parts of building lasting, impactful legacies. That’s why we are thrilled to align ourselves with Joanne and her company, Give4. Joanne’s commitment to helping companies make informed, strategic decisions about their giving aligns perfectly with our own values of purpose-driven investing. Through Give4, businesses are provided with solutions that ensure their giving is aligned with their passions, mission, and values. Joanne’s deep understanding of Kingdom principles, coupled with her dedication to empowering others, makes her a trusted partner in guiding organizations to steward their resources in a way that brings lasting, kingdom-focused impact. We wholeheartedly endorse her work and know that any business partnering with her will be well-equipped to make a difference with every decision they make regarding their generosity.

Jonathan & Melissa Edminson
Founders, Telos Investment Fund

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