Kingdom Friendships

Remembering the Best: Grace in Kingdom Friendships

Can we have an honest conversation about friendship? Not the picture-perfect version we see on social media, but the real, sometimes messy, always meaningful connections that shape our lives. Because here’s the truth: even the most powerful Kingdom friendships face obstacles, challenges, and moments that test our commitment to one another.

What sets Kingdom friendships apart isn’t the absence of difficulties – it’s how we choose to navigate them. It’s about making the intentional decision to remember each other for our best moments, not our worst. This isn’t about denying reality or avoiding hard conversations. Instead, it’s about choosing to view each other through the lens of grace and redemption, just as our Father views us.

Think about your closest friendships for a moment. Every one of these relationships has likely faced its share of obstacles. Maybe there were misunderstandings, unmet expectations, or moments when someone’s actions didn’t align with their heart. These are the crossroads where we face a choice: we can either step back and create distance, or step forward into what I call “brave conversations.”

Both choices require courage, but only one leads to deeper connection and growth. When we choose to have these brave conversations – discussions where love and honor remain present even in the midst of difficulty – we create space for something beautiful to emerge from the challenges.

This is where the rubber meets the road in Kingdom friendships. It’s easy to champion someone when everything is going well. But can we still see the gold in them when they’ve disappointed us? Can we still believe the best about their intentions when their actions have caused pain?

The enemy would love nothing more than to bring division to our most powerful connections. He knows that relationships aligned with Kingdom purposes carry tremendous authority and impact. This is why we must be relentless in choosing to remember each other for our best moments, not our failures.

Here’s a practical step: Take inventory of your heart toward each friend in your inner circle. How are you choosing to remember them? Are there hurts or disappointments that you’ve allowed to define the relationship? If so, it might be time for a heart check and a brave conversation.

Remember, none of us do friendship perfectly. We all come with different experiences, triggers, and expectations. But when we value relationships correctly, even the challenging moments become opportunities for growth and freedom.

If you’re struggling to move past a hurt with someone you deeply care about, start by asking God what He thinks about that person. Why are they important to you and to His Kingdom purposes? You can’t influence others powerfully while holding low-level beliefs about who they are.

Let’s be people who choose love over offense, brave conversations over comfortable distance, and growth over stagnation. Because at the end of the day, love wins every time. And in Kingdom friendships, that’s exactly what we’re after – victories that come through choosing to see and remember the best in each other, even when it’s not the easiest choice.

Your friendships are too valuable to let the enemy steal them through unforgiveness or misunderstanding. Choose today to be relentless in remembering the best, brave in addressing the rest, and faithful in believing for God’s highest purposes in every relationship He’s entrusted to you.

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